160by2.com allows you to send free SMS to cell phones in India from your computer. The PC-to-mobile SMS provider enables you to send maximum of 50 messages a day, up to
80 140 characters long, to any mobile user within India. You can send only 10 messages to one particular number in a day.
Register at 160by2.com with your mobile phone number and email. The website will send you an SMS with the password in it. Login to the website with that temporary password. 160by2 asks you to change the temp password. Then you will be able to send free sms to any phone in India, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Philippines or Malaysia.
160by2 is also available as a mobile app for Android devices, java phones, symbian devices, iPhone and Blackberry devices.
Send free sms to India
just type in 10 digit mobile number.
Send free sms to Kuwait
Prefix mobile number with country code 965 followed by 8 digit Kuwait mobile number.
ex: 965xxxxxxxx
Send free sms to UAE
Prefix mobile number with country code 971 followed by 9 digit UAE mobile number.
ex: 971xxxxxxxxx
Send free sms to Saudi Arabia
Prefix mobile number with country code 966 followed by 9 digit Saudi mobile number.
ex: 966xxxxxxxx
Send free sms to Singapore
Prefix mobile number with country code 65 followed by 8 digit Singapore mobile number.
ex: 65xxxxxxxx
Send free sms to Philippines
Prefix mobile number with country code 63 followed by 9 Or 10 digit Philippines mobile number.
ex: 639xxxxxxxxx
Send free sms to Malaysia
Prefix mobile number with country code 60 followed by 9 digit Malaysian mobile number.
ex: 601xxxxxxxx
Your mobile number will not be displayed as the sender number in receiver’s mobile. Instead, the message will be displayed as being sent from 160by2.com’s number 09246830506 or similar number. At the end of the message, your phone number number is added, to help identify the sender of the message. The software at 160by2 claims to have in-built spam guard and firewalls also. 160by2.com is an allied company of smscountry.com, headquartered in Hyderabad.
If you are too much annoyed by a frequent messages from 160by2 website, you can block the messages from that particular number. You can close your 160by2 account or re enable it any time you want. There are options to recover your lost 160by2 password too.
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