Create an Account on (Twitter on Mobile)

Did you know you can sign up for a Twitter account from our mobile website ( All you need is a web-enabled mobile phone. Follow these steps to set up your new Twitter account:

  1. Direct your device’s browser to
  2. At the bottom of the page, click the green Sign up now button to get started, as shown below (see Image 1).
  3. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to enter the details of your account. Type in your real name, a username, your email address, and your password.
  4. When you’re done, click the “Create my account” button at the bottom of the page (see Image 2).
  5. You’ve successfully created a Twitter account! Next time you want to visit your Twitter page, direct your mobile browser to (or on a computer) and click theSign in button at the top right of the screen to log in to your new account. You can log in using either your email address or the username you created, and your password.
  6. Even though you signed up on your phone, your phone number will not automatically be associated with your new Twitter account. To learn how to add your phone and tweet via SMS, click here.

The Next Step: Confirm Your Email Address

  • Your Twitter account is not fully active until you have confirmed the email address you entered at the Sign up now page.
  • When you create an account, Twitter sends a confirmation message to your email inbox.
  • You will need to open that message and click the link within it to confirm your email. [source]


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