– Manage Your Career Online

CareerScribe is a personal career support system that allows users to develop, organize, market, brand and manage their careers in a way that is uniquely for, and about, them. With CareerScribe, users can take control of their future by creating a profile and sharing it with companies.

It lets you to create the closest to a “live” resume that’s ever been devised. It allows you to set down all your personal and professional accomplishments along with your aspirations and aims in an interactive profile that employers can check out anytime they want. This profile is giving them a true window into your past, present and future. It’ll give them the kind of understanding that a drab paper resume could never convey. If you’ve been born to do a job but don’t have all the necessary qualifications, then CareerScribe is going to be just perfect. It’ll let you overcome that lack of qualifications, and show employers you’re a perfect match for any position you’re interested in.

[advt]This gives you access to a unique URL where all your data will go. Your virtual portfolio, your introductory video. Everything is going to be hosted online, and you’ll be able to edit your privacy settings. If you don’t want just anybody to view your profile, then you can restrict access to it.

For companies, CareerScribe empowers them to filter through hundreds of applicants, from many different gateways, and quickly get to the best matches for a position they may be looking to fill. Companies can also manage their current employees to identifiy high-growth talent.

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