Create and Share Online Resumes – VisualCV

visual cvp-logoVisualCV  is an internet-based, multimedia resume that provides a comprehensive picture of you professionally and allows you to stand out from the crowd. It enables you to control and track exactly who gets to view what, when and how.

How is it used:
You can use VisualCV for professional networking, job searching, business development, and personal brand management. It provides the tools to share your profile any way you wish. It’scompelling internet-based format helps you to differentiate yourself in a whole new way.


  • [advt]Build and manage a more engaging Internet based resume.
  • Combine audio, video and a digital career portfolio – all on a single Web page.
  • Want a 60-second visual overview of creating, enriching, sharing, and managing VisualCVs? Take A Tour Now.
  • Securely share professional qualifications with your customers, partners, employers and colleagues.
  • Sign up for FREE.
  • Create multiple visualCVs, each with a unique purpose and secure privacy setting.
  • Share information publicly or privately.
  • Send or post your unique URL.
  • Choose to show personal information

visual cv - screenshot

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