Likester – Helps you to Understand What People Likes

Likester provides you access to a large amount of data, in a user friendly format. It data is collected from the Facebook “likes” of Likester users, with their permission. Any data that collect is further anonymized by removing any reference to the person who “liked” the thing, and only storing the fact that the like occurred, and where the person lives. You can create a list, and get free daily like tracking of everything in your list. Just click “Create List” next to any result, anywhere on the Likester website.

To create your first list, simply run a search (in the upper right hand corner of every page). Once your Likester search results come back, click “Create a List” on any of your results. This will take you to the “Create Lists” dialog.

Here are the options on this form:

Title: Give this list a title that describes the items you’re going to put into it.

Description: By providing a more detailed description of your list, people will understand better what you’re trying to do. This area is also a rich text editor (kind of like Microsoft Word), so if you’d like, you can use bold, italics, or insert links into your description.

This list is editable by: Likester Lists have the ability to be group edited, meaning other people can contribute items to your Likester List, if you’d like. This might be useful if you’re creating a “best of” type list, or would simply like other people’s opinions on the matter. If you choose “Everyone”, then any Likester user can join your list, and contribute items. If you choose “My Friends”, then only people who are currently your Facebook friends can contribute to your list. If you chose “Just Me”, then this list can only be edited by you.

This list is viewable by: This is the permissions for who can see this list. If you choose “Everyone”, then anyone can see your list. If you choose “My Friends”, then only people who are currently your Facebook friends can see your list. If you chose “Just Me”, then this list is private, and can only be seen by you.

Daily Like Tracking: You can track how many “likes” each item in your list is getting on Facebook every day, if you’d like, by simply choosing “Enable”.

Enable Voting: You can either choose to sort items in this list on your own, or, allow the list to be automatically sorted by the voting of Likester users. If voting is enabled, other people will control the sorting of your list, potentially, but hey, that’s part of the fun!


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