HTML Entity Character Lookup – Find HTML Entity Code

HTML Entity Character Lookup which ensure all the characters on your page are validated. However, often finding the right entity code requires scanning through 250 rows of characters. Just type in the character and the entities are displayed and have a dashboard widget version too.

How it Works:

  • The lookup searches the html entities for matches to the searched character based on how your character looks.
  • Each entity has had a list of like matches added to them by hand and eye. This is stored in a local dictionary file and loaded in during start-up.
  • The entity lookup also supports word searches and multiple searches space separated, such as copy and cent.


  • Search for entity characters based on how they look
  • Switch between standard and compressed views
  • Copy the HTML entity to the clipboard
  • Add your own keyword terms and characters to entities
  • Settings stored in a browser cookie
  • Available to be installed as a search plugin
  • Available as a Firefox plugin

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