Yahoo! Online Bill Pay and iSree

I have been a fan of Yahoo! since the beginning of my IT career in 1998, after joining Infosys at Mangalore. (During my engineering studies, I haven’t used the Internet at all!) Yahoo! was the first search engine I used, don’t remember the first search keyword though! My first email address was also created in the domain. I still use it for the Yahoo! Messenger. So Sree became iSree in 1998!

Later, My Yahoo! was my homepage for years for News, Finance, Photo sharing, Briefcase, Profile, Groups, Yellow Pages, etc..

Yahoo! Finance helped me consolidate my US bank accounts and credit cards, pay my bills online and manage my budget and expense, all for free. I have been a great Yahoo! fan. I even paid my house mate through Yahoo! Finance, they sent a check to him from their back office! Those days banks were not providing online bill payment, or it would have been a paid service. Those days Yahoo! was the only website for me to look for anything and everything. Those were the good old Yahoo! days!

Now time has changed. There are other service providers having innovative ideas. There is no more monopoly, not even for Google. There will be at least two service providers for every functionality you may need. The competition is helping us get more and more goodies.

Yahoo! Finance is discontinuing its Bill Pay service by September 14, 2007. I have discontinued using Yahoo! Bill Pay for many years; I am a Bank of America fan now.

Will Yahoo! survive next 10 more years? Its services are not innovative enough to compete in the market. So I doubt, unless Yahoo! become an innovation leader, it won’t. What do you say?

Yahoo! Bill Pay

Dear Yahoo! Bill Pay customer,

We are writing to notify you that we are discontinuing the Yahoo! Bill Pay service. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to help you plan alternative payment arrangements.

Yahoo! Bill Pay will no longer be available after September 14, 2007. You must make different arrangements for all persons and vendors whom you currently pay through Yahoo! Bill Pay before September 14, or you may become delinquent in paying your bills.

There are a number of other online bill payment services available, and your financial institution may also offer such services. Yahoo! does not endorse any particular service.

Please refer to the following deadlines in making your plans:

  • Until September 14, 2007 — All billing services and functionality of Yahoo! Bill Pay will remain available.
  • Starting September 15, 2007 — Yahoo! Bill Pay will no longer process any bills, including recurring bills. However, customers who have made a payment during the six months prior to June 15, 2007 will still be able to view or download account information through October 31, 2007.
  • Starting November 1, 2007 — The Yahoo! Bill Pay web site will no longer be available for any purpose, and customer email support will be provided for only a limited time thereafter.

Please act promptly to make alternative bill payment arrangements. If you fail to make other arrangements before September 14, 2007, you may incur fees and penalties for paying your bills late. You are solely responsible for any late fees, charges, costs, or penalties that you incur as a result of late payments.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions during this transition, please contact Customer Care at [email protected] . You can also find additional information online at Yahoo! Bill Pay Help.

Thank you for using Yahoo! services.


The Yahoo! Bill Pay team

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