TicTacTi – Online Video Advertising System

TicTacTi that offers an In-Video Advertising System that enables users thereof to upload, manage and monetize advertisements and other content to which the users of the video content shall be exposed , which System is then used by entities such as publishers, advertisers and media providers . TTT provider of social games distribution and unified cross-device and operating system monetization platform, it has been selected to join the Microsoft BizSpark One program, identifying a small number of high-potential startups in the MicrosoftBizSpark program.

Its solutions are built on the Microsoft platform and are designed to serve publisher and developers and have great potential to benefit consumers and businesses around the world.

Using TicTacTi’s complete eco system each and one of you can maximized its revenue by a click of a button. It implementation process is the fastest and easiest there is with minimum efforts from your side and maximum efforts form its side.

TicTacTi’s solutions offer seamless social network extensibility, provide a turnkey solution for social games distribution and create new revenue models for games monetization.

Microsoft works closely through a one-to-one relationship with these high-potential startups in the BizSpark One program, providing customized engagement plans to accelerate their growth including access to technical, marketing and business development resources.


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