Google Maps Transit for Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad

Transit in Google Maps is a public transportation planning tool that combines the latest agency data with the power of Google Maps. It integrates transit stop, route, schedule, and fare information to make trip planning quick and easy for everyone. Google Maps is a cost-effective solution for sharing the transit information online. Transit information is also available in Google Earth and Google Maps for Mobile.

Transit in Google Maps gives you step-by-step transit directions, assist you to find transit stops in your area, and view station information and schedules. More than 400 cities are covered in the Google Transit application, including Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad from India. The public mass transportation systems on Google Transit are Delhi Metro Rail, Kolkata Metro, Chennai MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) and Hyderabad MMTS (Multi Modal Transit System).


For example, click to see Transit directions from Karol Bagh to Chandni Chowk in Delhi Metro Rail.

Video – How To Use Google Maps Transit


Google Maps / Transit on Your Mobile Phone

Google Maps for mobile makes it easy to get public transit directions while you are out. Download Google Maps to your BlackBerry, S60 (Nokia), Windows Mobile, or Java-enabled phone and give it a try.

You may as well visit from your phone to get your mobile phone ready for Google Maps. This service is free from Google; carrier charges may apply.

Video -Google Maps for Mobile Transit Directions

Watch the demo video below to see how to plan a transit trip using Google Maps on a phone.


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