Hyderabad City Police’s Delete Campaign Against Cyber Crime

DeleteHyderabad City Police recently lanched a concerted campaign against cyber crime, DELETE. All Cyber Cops, IT Core Teams, Blue Colts, hacktivists and victims will be talking to the general public in cyber cafes, offices, training institutes, schools and colleges about the evils of unknown mails and narrate their experiences in the cyber space.

This campaign involves Lectures, Experience Sharing in the form of presentations on the safety in the net by the Cyber Cops and IT Core Teams of Hyderabad City. Hyderabad Police welcomes citizens to share their cyber fraud experiences with others by mail or by SMS. Hyderabad police has enabled 9010 100 100 for receiving SMS on cyber crimes.


Hyderabad City Police also offers Cyber Mantra, that web users must bear in mind or chant in mind when you take a stroll in Cyber Space.

  • Delete all e-mails and SMS from any stranger luring you with billion dollar lottery prize, jobs in UK and huge wealth.
  • Delete all e-mails/SMS/Phone calls that ask for your personal information such as user name, passwords, PIN, Credit Codes
  • Install a trusted Internet Security Suite and update it regularly.
  • Never leave your Wi-Fi Network unsecured. Use a strong password. (How To Protect WI-Fi)
  • Never share your passwords with anyone and change them frequently using a combination of letters, numerical and special characters.
  • Never forget to sign out of your email or any other accounts.
  • Never reveal your personal information to any stranger in online chatting.
  • Never make online transactions in unsecured sites. Watch for ‘https’ in the address bar.
  • Never follow links to your banking website from another website or e-mail. Type it yourself in the address bar.
  • Never open spam mails as they contain either virus or spyware. Enable spam filters in your mail boxes.
  • Never post sensitive information in social networking and marriage sites.
  • Never be greedy for free downloads. They might infect your computers.
  • Never let credit cards go out of your sight while paying.
  • Never visit sites that contain pornography or terror links.

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