Download – Check Twitter Timeline and Status from Gtalk is a free application that lets you check your Twitter timeline from Gtalk, and update Twitter status from Gtalk, and follow anyone on Twitter from Gtalk. You do not need to install any software to use this Gtalk to Twitter application. It adds as any other friend to your Gtalk friend list, and then you just need to send messages to it to check and update your Twitter status.

It is a Gtalk bot that enables easy usage of Twitter.  Both bot and it’s web interface is hosted at Google App Engine for Java (GAEj). The web interface is a Java Servlet/JSP module to gather account information. It uses OAuth for Twitter, and Users service of GAEj for Gtalk authentication. The persistence is achieved using Java Data Objects (JDO) Query Language (JDOQL).


[advt] not only lets you view your Twitter timeline but adds a slew of options as well, such as, send tweets, quote tweets, send direct messages, quickly follow and unfollow Twitter users, and show incoming friendships, thus making it utterly simple to control your Twitter account via simple Gtalk conversation window.

You start with authenticating Chitter.Im with your Google account. Then you give access to Chitter.Im to check and update your Twitter account. Both these activities are done on Chitter.Im’s website.

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