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Sending SMS From Gmail

You can send SMS messages to your contacts’ mobile phones using Gmail Chat. To do so from Gmail: Enter your contact’s name in the ‘Search or invite friends’ box in Chat, and select Send SMS from […]

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File Transfer with Orkut and iGoogle Friends from Chat Window

Google has enabled the functionality to share photos, documents, and other files while chatting with your friends and family in iGoogle and orkut. File transfer works directly in the browser without needing to install anything. You can share files directly from the web version to the desktop version as well. File transfer is available in orkut and iGoogle only for now. Google promises to bring this fucntionality to Gmail soon. […]

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TringMe – Web Based Telephony Service

TringMe offers web based telephony service. TringMe integrates most commonly used voice communication devices like Phones, Instant Messengers, Browser, Mobile devices, SIP and VoIP phones and essentially enables you to call one from other. TringMe’s […]