Adobe Carousel – Apple Photo Management Tool

Adobe Carousel is an Apple friendly photo management tool that is similar to Adobe LIghtroom in many respects, bringing photo editing and viewing options to a range of Apple devices. The interface is virtually identical no matter which device you are working with, which creates a beautifully uniform experience whichever platform you’re using.

Download Adobe Carousel

[advt]When it comes to photo editing, you have a number of options available. As well as basic edits such as cropping and rotating, you can also adjust saturation and exposure levels. Unlike some photo editing tools, particularly on the iOS platform, the original file is always retained so you are free to experiment to your heart’s content.

The fact that you can access all of your photos from your iPhone, iPad or Mac thanks to automatic file synchronization means that photos can be easily shared around the home without the need to manually copy files from one device to another.

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