Sometimes, you may have felt that the messages sent by you might reach wrong hands and you feel that want to make them secure so that none other than the person meant by you can open and read those messages. The simplest way to protect such messages is true end-to-end encryption.
Here comes Lockify, a simple and Free app, available at Chrome Webstore, which provides protection for your private messages by encrypting them at your machine itself. You are the only one with a decryption key in the form of a link, which you can share with whoever / however you like.
It offers End-to-end encryption so that no text enters the cloud without encryption. It uses Open source cryptography engine based on the popular crypto library SJCL and can be used with any of your existing or future communications systems — email, chat, SMS, etc.
Lockify authenticates your recipients by their email, Twitter, password or a security question. It deletes the encrypted data from their server after 1 viewing or 3 days, whichever comes first. It doesn’t require any registration.
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