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RockMelt New Version – Gmail Notifier, Direct Tweet & FB Status Updates

Rockmelt Browser announced its first update 2 weeks after its beta launch.The latest version of RockMelt ( has improved stability by upgrading the underlying Chromium to version 7. Twitter and Facebook integration and sharing also has enhanced. Rockmelt team have created and added RockMelt-specific Gmail Notifier App to the updated Rockmelt. If you’re already using RockMelt, your browser will update automatically but you can download it now by opening the RockMelt menu in the upper left, choosing “About RockMelt,” and check for updates. […]

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RockMelt – The Social Media Web Browser

RockMelt is a new social media web browser being developed based on Chromium, the open source project behind Google Chrome browser. You can navigate Web pages, keep up with your friends, stay up-to-date on news, search, chat, share videos, etc. RockMelt works only if you have a Facebook account. It uses the benefit of cloud computing, giving access to your personal browsing experience from anywhere. For an early access, sign up at […]