Protect Facebook Profile From Spam/Malware Using MyPageKeeper App

mypagekeeper_app_logoMyPageKeeper is a new Facebook application designed to protect Facebook users from spam and malware. Designed by a team of students at the University of California at Riverside, MyPageKeeper protects your Facebook profile and online reputation.

Hackers, malicious individuals and even Facebook friends can unknowingly post malicious content on your wall. Visitors to your wall may get infected with viruses, may get scammed by phishing and spam campaigns. Using MyPageKeeper puts you in charge of what content can be allowed on your wall and news feed. You have the power to protect your friends visiting your profile from getting infected with malware.

MyPageKeeper scans and monitors all content posted on your wall and news feed. It uses advanced techniques to identify whether a piece of content is malicious, spam or related to phishing. Continuous monitoring and the latest web-based malware detection technologies allows MyPageKeeper to protect your online persona on Facebook.

Install MyPageKeeper App On Your Facebook

MyPageKeeper checks

  • [advt]Check news feed
  • Check wall posts
  • Check spamming apps


The app is configurable: a user can change the setting to be more or less “aggressive” in reporting suspect links.

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