Location Based Application from MTNL Mumbai. If you are a mobile customer, please click on the “Mobile User” link on the left panel. Login with your username & password and enjoy host of the services. To know more click on Help link on the top panel. Service will be charged at the rate of RS.1/- per request.[source]
1. General Services
a. Find Me
The “Find Me” feature helps mobile users to identify their own geographical location.
FDM is the keyword for Find Me request.
Syntax: Send sms FDM to 50123.
The response will be a sms on the user’s mobile.
b. Find Friend
The “Find Friend” feature helps the mobile user to find the geographical location of a friend.
FDF is the keyword for Find Friend request.
Syntax: Send sms FDF <friend’s mobile number> to 50123
If the friend has set a codeword in the settings, then the sms syntax should be,
FDF < friend’s mobile number > CW <codeword> to 50123
where codeword is the codeword of the friend whose location is to be found.
The response will be a sms on the requester’s mobile
c. Inform My Friend
The “Inform My Friend” feature helps the mobile user to inform the self geographical
location to a friend.
IMF is the keyword for Inform My Friend request
Syntax: Send sms IMF <Friend’s mobile number> to 50123.
The response will be a sms on the friend’s mobile.
d. Find POI
The Find POI feature helps the mobile user to find the location of a point of interest like cinema, bank, Atm etc. from the current geographical spot.
FDP is the keyword for Find Point of Interest request.
Syntax: Send sms FDP <poi type> <range in meters> to 50123
where poi type is the point of interest like bank, cinema, etc. and range in meters is the range for search(in Meters). This is optional; the system takes the default range as 5000 mts.
The response will be a sms on the user’s mobile
2. [advt] City Sight Seeing Services
a. City Sight seeing
The City Sight seeing feature helps the mobile user to find a sight seeing location from the current geographical spot.
CSS is the keyword for City Sight seeing request.
Syntax is sms CSS <poi type> to 50123 where the poi type is the point of interest like park, temple,museum,etc.
The response will be a sms on the user’s mobile.
3. Navigation Services
a. Navigation
The Navigation feature helps the mobile user to know the route to a particular point of interest
There are 2 options under navigation:
1. NAVPT – Navigation to a particular point of interest <poi type>
2. NAVPN – Navigation to a particular point of interest name <poi name>
The syntax is
Sms NAVPT <poi type> to 50123 where poi type is ATM, petrol pump, hotel etc.
Sms NAVPN <poi name> to 50123 where poi name is the name of a specific location.
The response will be a sms on the user’s mobile.
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