Have You Switched to Google Apps? I did!

A few months back, I switched Ananthapuri.com domain mail to Google Apps. Now myself and other friends at Ananthapuri.com use the Ananthapuri.com Apps. The switching was worth just for the spam protection! I am glad that I use the domain mail effectively.

  • Do you own or planning to own a domain name and prefer to use [email protected] ?
  • Do you get a lot of spam in your domain inbox?
  • Would you prefer to have a better interface design as in Gmail, and/or use POP3 or IMAP?
  • Do you face storage constraints with your classic mailbox, and prefer to have more than 5GB mailbox?
  • Have issues with availability and reliability of your classic mail service?
  • Do you face IP blacklisting for your domain shared IP?
  • How about chatting with your friends using your domain email address, instead of using gmail.com?
  • Do you work on a flat world with your blogging/website friends in different locations and would like to share documents, presentations and calendar within your domain?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, do consider switching to Google Apps. This is really useful for bloggers.

Google Help has a lot of pages and videos to help in the migration, including Email Switch Guide and Setup steps for Google Apps. Enjoy the migration!

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