Ganttic – Online Software for Scheduling and Resource Planning

gantticGanttic is online software for scheduling people, projects, facilities and equipment. It is a web-based resource planning tool. It was created to help organizations schedule and reschedule shared resources such as staff members, equipment, meeting rooms, vehicles etc. Ganttic is not an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. ERP systems include much more functionality like sales, purchases, inventory systems, accounting and so on. Ganttic does just scheduling.

It is also not complex project management software although it has good project management capabilities

There are two views of the Gantt chart – resource view and project view. You can switch between them using RESOURCES and PROJECTS icons. There are also two ways to display the interface – simple and advanced (or narrow and wide). In simple display mode the left information bar contains just icons to access resource and project view, print button, reports button and links to users and settings.


  • [advt]visual resource allocations
  • click and drag scheduling
  • drag and drop rescheduling


  • all projects in one view
  • assign resources to projects
  • resource allocation by projects


  • instant plan updates
  • detailed logbooks and comments
  • flexible user rights


  • customizable data
  • uncluttered user interface
  • low learning curve


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