Deliberately Misspelled Keywords & Indian Languages

Is it delibaretely mispelled or deliberately misspelled? confused big grin

A few months ago, I published the Accurate Rahukaalam Calculator for your Location. In the article, I mentioned the words Rahukaalam, Rahukalam, Ragukalam , Rahu Kaalam and Rahu Kalam. This non-English word is pronounced differently by various Indian language speakers.

Many of such local English words which are just transliterated from Indian languages like Hindi, Sanskrit, Malayalam and Tamil, will have the spelling differences. Raahukaalam in Sanskrit or Malayalam could be pronounced Ragukalam in Tamil.

When writing articles containing such regional/local English words, it is advisable to use the most common word (that you believe it is!) and mention the other words within brackets. For example, Rahukaalam [Rahukalam or Ragukalam Rahu Kaalam or Rahu Kalam]. There is no correct or misspelled words here!

Google says that 10% of all searches made on Google are mistyped or misspelled. For example, the keyword britney spears is typed brittany spears 10% of the times. surprised

For the English language, all the major search engines have a spelling correction system that prompts you with a Did you mean: option. Search engines like Google sometimes automatically searches for the correct word even without the user knowing that he/she actually had misspelled the word!

While promoting an English word as the keyword for your webpage, you could also add the misspelled words in parenthesis and indicate that they are common misspellings for the word. This is useful for handling the British English and American English spellings of a keyword. While you maximize the chance for the keyword, you still get visitors misspelling the keyword.

Never optimize your webpage for misspelling, but just include the misspelled word also somewhere in the post. If you use misspelled word in your post, you can strike it like like this – vaccum vacuum – using the <strike> HTML tag.

Do you get traffic to your site because of any misspelled keyword?

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