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MiniTube – Watch Video of Your Current MP3 Track in Winamp or iTunes

MiniTube is an mp3 plugin for Winamp, Apple iTunes and The KMPlayer, which can fetches you the video corresponding to the MP3 you are currently playing. MiniTune searches the video channels such as YouTube, Google Video, etc. for the video for the song you are currently playing. If a corresponding video is found, MiniTube displays the video for you in your Winamp player itself! […]

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Digsby – Multiple IM, Social Networking and Email Notifications

Digsby is a multiprotocol Instant Messaging client, a social networking tool and an email notification service. Digsby lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one buddy list. You can get alerts of events like new messages and status in your social network. Digsby provides new email notification service and lets you perform actions such as Delete or Report Spam with just one click, without visiting the email website. […]

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Image Hosting Techniques for Website Performance

Discusses various options for optimizing the use of graphics in WordPress blogs and other websites. The techniques include image web optimization, defining height and width for the images, and using multiple hostnames for images used. Multiple hostnames helps to connect and download more than two images at the same time. […]