Bling Bottled Water

Guest post by Peter Pawan EJ from Kochi, Kerala.

How much would you pay for water? No, I am not talking about a hypothetical situation where you are stuck in the Nevada desert dehydrated and wasted when you happen to encounter someone offering you a bottle of water that could save your life for a hell of a lot of money. I am just asking you how much would you pay for a bottle of pure water and nothing but? The most I ever spent on a bottle of water was Rs. 15 and that was because I had no choice. Well, to get to the point, there are people selling bottled water over the internet and the price could shock your socks off.


Bling Bottled WaterTry imagining this. You are This one defines “overrated”. The above beverage could be ordered online, contains nothing but 750ml of water and yet it costs a whopping INR 1600 (USD 40)!. No, this Bling H2O does not have any special powers, but they do claim that it has a ‘pretty taste’. If you ask me, I would rather prefer if it had no taste at all, but then itโ€™s just me.

chatting with your friends over IM and you get really thirsty. You log on to the Bling site and order 750ml of water for Rs. 1600 and wait a few days for the bottle to arrive on courier. Nothing hypothetical about that since these guys are rumored to have cornered sales good enough to stay in the business. The scariest thing about the computer is that people seem to lose about half their IQ the moment they sit in front of the monitor.

PS: But, would you buy this? Probably the most expensive water in the world, and its not even pure! Great marketing ideas!

This is a guest post by Peter Pawan EJ, a technology enthusiast living in the Linux world. If you have a tip to share, write a guest article here.

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