announced the launch of an initiative with LinkedIn, offering multiple benefits to professionals seeking life partners online.
This first-of-its-kind initiative enables professionals to display their Linkedin professional profiles along with their matrimony profiles on BharatMatrimony. The addition of the Linkedin profiles will enhance the overall credibility of their profiles, increase the depth of professional information available about them and improve the response to their profiles from prospects.
This new feature will help them find out how they are connected with prospects professionally, apart from enabling them to get reference of prospects they are interested in through their connections on Linkedin.
Professionals making use of this feature can enhance their credibility and get better responses to their profiles because, when it comes to marriage, professional identity is as important as personal identity. This offers professionals, an opportunity to leverage their BharatMatrimony profiles, enhanced with their professional profiles on LinkedIn, to ensure positive outcomes for their matrimony searches. has successfully used LinkedIn’s open API to add a deeper level of trust to the matrimonial profiles of professionals seeking a partner/spouse. [source]
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