360Desktop is a free desktop manager that turns your workspace into a 360 panoramic workspace. It gives you more desktop space for the applications, widgets and windows. You will have more desktop workspace to add your favorite content such as RSS feeds, videos, and web pages.
You can have lots of open windows and documents, and it will nicely organize them on your desktop. You can easily go to any document or widget on your desktop, and not feel that desktop is cluttered. 360 Desktop is really good for those who tend to have lot of open applications and documents at the same time.
- Unlimited desktop space to add your favorite application, windows, videos and etc
- Organize your desktop by reducing the clutter
- Pan left or right around the desktop
- Work in a 360 desktop environment
- Organize the open application in one click
- Turn any web widget into a desktop widget by specifying the widget URL or embedding the widget code
- Clip anywhere of the webpage
- Add video, slideshow, music, games and others to the desktop
- The gallery user generated content provides a large selection of 360 desktop wallpaper
- Users can create their own interactive wallpaper by adding web widgets, images, slideshows, and other web content.
- Configuration of pan speed
- [advt]Sort 360 Galleries by Title, Author, Description, Creation Date, Install Date and Aspect Ratio.
- Compliant with web widgets on a number of platforms including Google Webpage Gadgets,. Pageflakes, Springwidgets, Clearspring and others.
- Click to display or hide the embedded content
- Embed a webpage by specifying the URL, resize and window position
- Embed a clip of the webpage that you want to display
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