Tweetree – Twitter Stream in A Tree, Shows External Contents

Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having to click through every link your friends post.

[advt]Tweetree turns your twitter stream into a feedreader. A huge number of links are shared via Twitter, but most are nothing but a shortened URL. When Tweetree launched, we embedded a lot of media, like images and movies. It  just put the finishing touches on a new feature that embeds all links that have corresponding RSS feeds.

Using favorites in Tweetree so now you can star any post that you like and see it listed in your new favorites tab. You can also view any of your friends favorites by clicking the little star next to their name on their profile page. Using chart show you the twitter usage.

Supported Services

Whenever a link to one of Youtube, Flickr, Twitpic, FriendFeed, TwitVid, Seesmic, Qik, Lala,, xkcd services shows up in a post you are viewing, Tweetree will automatically pull in the content for you to view inside the post.


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