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Google Browser Size Tool – Web Page Size Overlay for UI Design

Google Browser Size is a tool developed by Google Labs to help web designers to know what percentage of web users can see different areas of a website without needing to scroll. Browser Size shows you what portion of users can see a given spot on the screen. To try it, simply visit and enter the URL of a page you would like to examine into the “Enter URL here” textbox at the top of the window and click Go.

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Default Text Styling in GMail – A Google Labs Feature

With the Default Text Styling gadget, you can set the default font, font size, bold, italics, color and background color to be used in your GMail Compose window. This option is off by default. To enable this lab feature, head over to the ‘General’ tab on the ‘Settings’ page, and change the default text styling to better suit your preferences. […]

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Multiple Inboxes in Gmail – New Feature

Gmail Labs has launched a new feature to view multiple panes in the same Gmail window to view Gmail labels or searches as a new pane. If you have setup multiple email accounts with Gmail, and have associated a label for each of those email accounts, this new pane feature helps you view each of the accounts new emails separately in the new panes. I really like this new feature, very useful. […]

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Google Rescues Alcoholic Workaholics From Sending Late Night Emails

Mail Goggles will check that you’re really sure you want to send that late night email. It makes you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you’re in the right state of mind.

By default, Mail Goggles is only active late night on the weekend as that is the time you’re most likely to need it. Once enabled, you can adjust when it’s active in the General settings.