Socioclean – Monitor and Clean Up Your Social Profiles

Socioclean is a free service that enables you to monitor and clean your online social profile by analyzing your wall posts, status messages and photos for any ill-advised and inappropriate material that may harm your social reputation.It is a service that can monitor and clean up any of your social profiles. Inappropriate keywords, images, messages.

SocioClean can look for all that on your behalf, and produce detailed reports highlighting these areas that you should look into. Ensuring that your rep will remain free from unnecessary blemishes hardly gets any easier.  However, they introduce privacy risks and personal information leakage, which is becoming a bigger problem everyday. You can look for over 5000 pre-defined and custom keywords covering various categories.

[advt]Their approach is to simplify the problem for end-users by allowing them to scan and clean their online profile for various social networks. It is the first comprehensive solution for managing and monitoring your online social network profile.

Socioclean will only scan postings, status messages, and photos that others are able to view as well. It will not scan email inbox or any other private areas. It will not “auto-delete” any content. It provides you with posts or messages that are deemed inappropriate and it will be the users responsibility to delete the content.

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