Programming Language for Kids – Download Scratch

Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art and share your creations on the web. Scratch is squarely at young users who will be able to use the very easy language to make projects which help them to learn both mathematical and computational skills, as well as furthering their creativity and also teaching them how to work collaboratively, as a team with their friends. The interface works by dragging blocks that represent particular functions into your work area.

These control the on screen characters and objects, allowing them to perform a wide variety of tasks in order to produce the overall kind of animation that the user wants. Blocks are dragged on screen and they often have a series of options within them, such as timings and distances for those that move. Loops can also be added by dragging some of the various loop options from the sidebar and putting them around the elements that need to be looped.

Download Scratch

There is also a way in which user can add gestures that mean certain events only occur when certain buttons are pressed. This is a very useful tool for controlling  show as it plays and manipulating the various sprites that feature within  project. This is one free software that keeps your kids engaged on the PC, and still ensure their online activities are helping them improve their learning. Some other free software that you can use for your Kids: Kidzui (browser to monitor online activities of your kids), OnlineFamily(like Kidzui), and Tux Paint. So in conclusion, Scratch is a free programming language that is an ideal way for young people and those with little technical skill to produce short animated movies and shows.


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