Portable Recycle Bin for USB Flash Drives – Download iBin

iBin is a portable recycle bin for USB Flash Drives developed with AutoHotKey. The default Recycle Bin feature build into Windows is only useful for storing and recovering deleted files from the local hard disk. When you delete a file from the USB drive, it will be deleted from the device file system as well and is never stored in the default Windows recycle bin. Which means recovering the lost files will be much more difficult(although it is still possible).

Download iBin

After you have downloaded and extracted the iBin archive, copy the iBin folder to the USB Drive and start the app.The iBin Dump System run in the background to detect the window used to confirm a delete action selected by the user. If the action is being performed with the device hosting the iBin, the system is halt and the window confirmation is replaced by another. This new window offers three options: erase the data, dump the data into the ibin container or just cancel the operation.

[advt]If the user wants restore the data, the Dumping Management interface offer the option to select any file or folder to be restored to its original path. A database of the erased files and folders is stored in the device root to register the data erased. Any file drop inside the iBin container by the user is detected and registered in the database with no original path. Once the user wants restore the data, the Ibin ask the user to choose a restoring path.

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