Planbox – Agile project management tool and Issue Tracker

Planbox is an Agile project management tool and issue tracker that allows members of multiple business functions to plan, collaborate and deliver projects. It is a hosted web application that is available to the public.
Planbox is often considered a stepping stone for companies adopting Agile that have grown out of their current basic Project Management tools but that are not yet willing to invest for a fully customized suite from some of the big labels.

Intuitive User Interface

Planbox introduces an intuitive UI your entire team can use

  • Virtual Story Board feel – because Post-its are not enough
  • Drag & Drop items and tasks to prioritize
  • Filter to see only the work you’re involved in

Real-time Collaboration

Planbox allows you to collaborate in real-time with your entire team, whether you are distributed or colocated.

  • Item board is updated in real-time
  • Share files with your teammates and open them from Planbox
  • Send comments so fast you can use it like a chat!
  • Real time activity feed let’s you know what’s going on
  • Team burndown
  • Shared Item descriptions and Wiki

Mobile User? Mobile App!

Because project are not only worked on in a cubicule, we have a fully working mobile version of Planbox.

  • Access your project data from anywhere
  • Modify and assign tasks on the road
  • No App download required
  • Track lunches, meetings and events as they happen

Task Based Project Management

Perfect for Agile workers and suitable for most, Planbox is a To-do list on steroids.

  • Manage and assign tasks
  • Drag&Drop your priorities
  • Get visibility on your team’s status & progress
  • Flag items as blocked and request help from your team
  • Multiple Item statuses allow you to review your team’s work

Regroup Projects into Initiatives

Allows you to scale your projects and regroup them into relevant Initiatives:

  • [advt]Products
  • Clients
  • Programs
  • Business units
  • or anything that makes sense for your business

Time tracking

Organize your team based on their work capacity – unlock reporting features to get your team faster and more efficient.

  • Estimate time and plan your Sprint
  • Get notified if someone is over-booked
  • Log and track time spent on task
  • Generate time-sheets at the touch of a button

Customizable Email Notifications

Planbox allows you to get email notifications on a number of events – stay informed even if you’re not in the office.

  • Pick what you want to be notified on by email
  • Use Planbox as a hub for all project information and communication.

Deadline Management

Planbox tracks your deadlines and keeps you on your toes. You can manage deadlines at the item-level. Your Dashboard gives you a list of your current deadlines across all initiatives and projects.

  • Set deadlines on your items
  • Get notified when you get near a deadline or are past due
  • Helps you manage your priorities

Agile reporting

Perfect for Management and Stakeholders – get reports to track progress and improve your team.

  • Use our pre-made (yet customizable) Agile reports
  • Print out reports at the touch of a button
  • Export your data to CSV to make your own custom reports


Planbox integrates with other tools including: Zendesk, SnapEngage and GitHub.  Planbox also has an Integrations API for Third Party applications.

Initiative template creation

Agencies (Web, Software, Creative and Marketing), among others, have a lot of similar or re-occuring Initiatives and Projects.

With Planbox you can save time by:

  • Creating templates from existing Initiatives
  • Creating templates from scratch
  • Creating reoccuring items for those weekly meetings and monthly reports

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