Mohu Leaf HDTV Antenna – Better HD Quality

mohu-logoMohu Leaf HDTV Antenna provides better HD quality over the air than through HD cable boxes or satellite setups in the U.S.. It allows consumers to “complete the picture” and still receive local news, weather, popular network shows, as well as their favorite major sporting events like the NFL.

The affordable Mohu Leaf is available online at, on and will be rolling out to retail stores nationwide this summer and fall.

[advt]The Leaf is paper-thin and can be hung on a wall behind a picture frame or bookcase or just about anywhere. The Leaf was developed by a team at Mohu that works with its sister company, Greenwave Scientific, on some of the most sophisticated antenna technology in existence for the US military.

Dr. Mark Buff, President of Mohu said:

“When we were developing this antenna, we quickly realized we could make a slimmer, less-intrusive and better-performing product for consumers than what was out there. This study cited in the Times underscores the popularity of our product and the growth of both streaming and over-the-air HD content. The Leaf is a perfect addition for anyone looking to bridge the gap between streaming content and sports, local and national network programming.”

Brian Baucom, Director of Sales and Marketing for Mohu said:

“As an NFL fan, and [previous] longtime HD box cable user, there is no way I am using anything other than the Leaf and over-the-air (OTA) HD to watch games this fall. It’s really a small price to pay [$44] to vastly improve my picture quality and cut back on cable bills. Many of our customers have ‘cut the cord’ and combined our powerful antenna with a streaming device like a Roku box. You quickly realize that you aren’t missing a thing. People are fed up with paying upwards of $1200 per year for cable subscriptions – the Leaf is a great alternative that requires a one-time purchase,” Baucom continued.

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