Microsoft Announces Silverlight Beta 5, Release by mid 2011

At the Microsoft’s Firestarter event in Redmont, Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft’s Developer division announced the Beta version of Silverlight 5 and said that Version 5 Silverlight will be available for developers by mid 2011.

With more than 40 new features added to the Web application framework, Silverlight 5 will be focussing on improving the streaming media functionality for users.

New features added include GPU accelerated video decoding for smooth playback of high resolution videos on low end netbooks, Trick play for playing videos at different speeds with normal audio sound, power saver awareness which prevents screensaver appearing during playback and support for remote control.

The event also presented a list of enhancements for developers using Silverlight RIA dev environment. Enhancements include improved databinding functionality, support for Markup extensions which allow code to run at XAML parse time, WS-Trust support, improved text clarity, new pivot functionality and 64 bit browser support.

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