MAPMYself is a free Web-based online mind mapping software which allows you to create completely organic looking mind maps. It is a web service, which has several types of subscriptions. This solution is suitable for most users to explore all services. For this type of subscriptions are available most of the features of the MAPMYself within a two mind maps.
Related Articles – Take Meeting Minutes Easily Using Tablet or Laptops will take notes and share them right away. It has you to face the situation of agreeing on decisions and task assignments in a meeting and it takes days before the minutes are written and sent to everyone. It takes care to protect your privacy and to secure the stored data […]
ThinkUp – Archive and Review Twitter, Facebook and Google+ Activity
ThinkUp is a free web application which can archive your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ activities and help you to review them later. It allowing you to search all your tweets to locate one from long ago. You can also produce graphs of various information. […]
Docstoc – Community for Sharing Professional Documents
Docstoc is a user-generated community for sharing professional documents. With Docstoc, you can find and download a vast quantity of high quality legal, business, technology, educational, and creative documents for free. It also allows users to upload their documents to be promoted. […]
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