HelloTxt – Microblogging Aggregator Service

HelloTxt is an aggregate of microblogging services through which the user can simply insert their messages on all main microblogging services. It is simple simultaneous and instantaneous.

HelloTxt supports status updates to the most important services including Facebook, Twitter, Jaiku and Pownce.

With HelloTxt a single message can reach different services at the same time without writing the message again for everyone of them. You need only user name and password and you have not to care for the remainder, it is all automatic.

Using HelloTxt, you can also read the status updates from your contacts, no matter which network they are using. That means, from your single Status Snap page you can follow the latest status of all your friends in different networks with a single log in to HelloTxt. This feature is initially supported for Twitter and Facebook, and more services are being added.

HelloTxt currently supports Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Meemi, Beemood, LinkedIn, Hi5, Plaxo, Plurk, Friendfeed, etc.

To access the mobile version you must be registered and have activated your account with a coupon code given from a friend or found on a blog, once activated you can use your account to login here: m.hellotxt.com

You can enable Personal Email Gateway and send an email to the Email Gateway. HelloTxt take the body of your email and update all the networks that are in Dashboard and Default Flagged.

You can also enable Personal SMS Gateway and send an SMS to the SMS Gateway. HelloTxt take the body of your SMS and update all the networks.

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