HCIL to offer Satellite Services to Rajasthan, Karnataka discoms


Hughes Communications India has bagged contracts from power distribution firms in Rajasthan and Karnataka to provide satellite services that will help reduce distribution losses. The two contracts won by Hughes are together worth about Rs. 20 crores.

Under the contract with Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (Jaipur Discom), Hughes would offer satellite services connecting 825 locations in Rajasthan. The contract with five power discoms in Karnataka – BESCOM, CESCOM, MESCOM, GESCOM and HESCOM – would see the company deploying a network of about 713 satellite terminals.

Hughes has inked the agreement with the Rajasthan and Karnataka entities for periods of three years and five years, respectively. The two projects are related to the government’s Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP).

The government has initiated various measures to bring down Transmission and Distribution losses in the fast-growing power sector that amounts to around 30 percent of power sector output.[source]

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