GeekUninstaller – Free Uninstaller Tool to Remove Unwanted Software

GeekUninstaller is a free uninstaller tool that can be used to remove all traces of unwanted software from your computer. It initially works like the Control Panel, displaying a list of installed programs and you can then select anything you do not need ready for uninstallation. You also have the option of modifying an installation so you can add or remove components as required. Should you run into any problems, you can use the Force Removal option instead.

Download GeekUninstaller

[advt]Whichever route you go down, it will perform a deep scan of your system to check for software remains that should be removed and you also have the ability to remove programs from the uninstallation list. This can be used to prevent other people from removing software, or to clean up the uninstaller list that has accumulated over time.

While GeekUninstaller offers few dazzling features, everything is very simply presented and the app is incredibly easy to use. If you want to get hands-on with a particular program, you can jump straight to the relevant section of the registry for some tinkering, and the fact that GeekUninstaller is a portable app means that it is an ideal candidate for popping on a USB drive.


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