Gazup – Website for File Uploading and Mirroring

Gazup is the leading website for social file mirroring online. By using our service you’ll be able to upload files to multiple file hosts in one go thus saving you time and bandwidth. Simply upload a file to site service and the servers utilizing gigabit speeds will rapidly mirror your file to 8 hosts, including RapidShare, MegaUpload, FileFactory, zShare and many more.

It have unique features for both video and normal file formats.  The system is very advanced, it have link checking, allow uploaders to “cure” dead mirrors and allow uploaders to customize mirror pages and much more. These type of features mean it can offer a service NO other sites are even capable of doing.

Gazup can do:

  • [advt]It uploads your files to multiple file hosts in one go.
  • You will also save bandwidth, as you’ll only need to upload your file once in order to get it uploaded to 6 file hosts, therefore you are saving 5/6th’s of your bandwidth.
  • The mirror pages are designed with the user in mind. It have file specifications, descriptions, mirror status and links to each mirror, file image uploads, file comments and much more.
  • We clearly tell you if a mirror is down thus saving you time having to visit a dead mirror. We also allow the user to cure broken mirrors with ease thus expanding the lifetime of the file.
  • Its service is free. Keep track of existing uploads (edit, reup, delete, etc). Get alerts when a mirror goes down, if someone comments on your file or when a mirror has finished uploading.


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