Synkron is a multiplatform Qt application designed for synchronizing two or more folders.
Apart from doing synchronizations, it provides many other additional features. The user interface of Synkron is divided into several sections: Synchronize, Multisync, SyncView, Scheduler, Restore, Blacklist and Filters. To switch between these sections, use the toolbar.
It is written in C++ and uses the Qt4 libraries. Synkron is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2.
Synkron is an application for folder synchronization that allows you to configure your synchronizations in detail. Despite having many features, the user interface of Synkron is very user-friendly and easy to use.
Synkron is able to synchronise multiple folders at once, analyse folders before sync, restore overwritten or deleted files, plan synchronisations and much more.
Synkron runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

- Able to sync multiple folders
- [advt]Analyze folders for changes before sync
- Tabs allow you to have more synchronizations running at once
- Periodical synchronizations automatically sync your folders in selected intervals
- Restore files, which were overwritten during synchronizations
- Add files and folders to black list to make sure they won’t be synchronized in the future
- Make schedules and backup using multisync
- Synkron is Free Software
Download Synkron
Synkron is also available as a portable tool
With the platform, you can run Synkron tool from USB flash drive, without needing to install the software in your computer. Download Synkron Portable
Synkron is a multiplatform Qt application designed for synchronizing two or more folders.
Apart from doing synchronizations, it provides many other additional features. The user interface of Synkron is divided into several sections: Synchronize, Multisync, SyncView, Scheduler, Restore, Blacklist and Filters. To switch between these sections, use the toolbar.
It is written in C++ and uses the Qt4 libraries. Synkron is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2.
Synkron is an application for folder synchronization that allows you to configure your synchronizations in detail. Despite having many features, the user interface of Synkron is very user-friendly and easy to use.
Synkron is able to synchronise multiple folders at once, analyse folders before sync, restore overwritten or deleted files, plan synchronisations and much more.
Synkron is a cross-platform application and runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.
- Able to sync multiple folders
- Analyze folders for changes before sync
- Tabs allow you to have more synchronizations running at once
- Periodical synchronizations automatically sync your folders in selected intervals
- Restore files, which were overwritten during synchronizations
- Add files and folders to black list to make sure they won’t be synchronized in the future
- Make schedules and backup using multisync
- Synkron is Free Software
Synkron is a multiplatform Qt application designed for synchronizing two or more folders.
Apart from doing synchronizations, it provides many other additional features. The user interface of Synkron is divided into several sections: Synchronize, Multisync, SyncView, Scheduler, Restore, Blacklist and Filters. To switch between these sections, use the toolbar.
It is written in C++ and uses the Qt4 libraries. Synkron is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2.
Synkron is an application for folder synchronization that allows you to configure your synchronizations in detail. Despite having many features, the user interface of Synkron is very user-friendly and easy to use.
Synkron is able to synchronise multiple folders at once, analyse folders before sync, restore overwritten or deleted files, plan synchronisations and much more.
Synkron is a cross-platform application and runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.
- Able to sync multiple folders
- Analyze folders for changes before sync
- Tabs allow you to have more synchronizations running at once
- Periodical synchronizations automatically sync your folders in selected intervals
- Restore files, which were overwritten during synchronizations
- Add files and folders to black list to make sure they won’t be synchronized in the future
- Make schedules and backup using multisync
- Synkron is Free Software
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