SiteonMobile is a pilot service from HP Labs India that enables SMS and voice access to existing websites. According to HP, more than 50% of the mobile phones existing today are ultra low-end, with just voice and text messaging capabilities. SiteonMobile service enables these low end phones to access the web without GPRS connectivity on the phones. Instead of delivering a complete web page to a mobile phone, the solution delivers only the short content relevant to the user’s task.
SiteonMobile is based on a patent-pending technology (Tasklets) developed HP Labs India. In addition to mobile phones, even those owning the PCs can run TaskLets by clicking the corresponding widgets on their computer screens. Since the TaskLets reside in the cloud they can be accessed from anywhere from any device.
SiteonMobile enables a business to increase the reach of their content and services and provide single click web access over SMS using low-end mobile phones. It provides anytime anywhere access to business relevant tasks. Business does not incur infrastructure cost for setting up the SMS gateway and call centers.
SiteOnMobile helps to rapidly create SMS & Voice interfaces for a personally relevant application on any website. SiteOnmobile support widgets on Windows mobile, Palm and Android devices.
Depending on the telecom operator, sending SMS may cost 1/- to 3/- per SMS.
For voice based access, standard calling rates to Bangalore number would apply. You can use this service from all mobile and landline numbers in India.
SiteOnMobile offers 2 channels, “SMS and Voice, through which business can extend their reach beyond internet connected users. “SMS” allows users to execute web interactions by sending SMS and voice creates an IVR for the voice based interactions. For internet connected users can choose a channel of widgetized interaction.
There are several small and medium businesses in India that have invested in an e-commerce web portal for their business, but their portal is not much accessed by their end consumers today.
The SiteOnMobile solution enables such website owners to define specific tasks on their website and make those tasks easily accessible to their customers using low-end mobile phones. This is very valuable even for simple tasks that their customers need such as to check status of an order, request for cab service, request for a quotation, booking a doctor’s appointment, and so on. [source]
Demo of SiteonMobile SMS & Voice Interface
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