Download OverDisk – Free Disk Usage Analyzer

OverDisk is an interactive disk space explorer that displays hard drive with clickable charts, allowing  to spot files and folders that are the most space consuming, and also get an overall idea of how disk space is used. Overdisk is a small but useful application which scans Hark Disk and displays files and folders that might be taking a lot of space. It is not uncommon for someone to check his/her hard disk and notice that there’s just 1GB or less left and not know what’s taking so much space. OverDisk is quite basic in its functioning. For more advanced disk space usage tools, you can try tools like SpaceSniffer, Disk Space Fan, and Disk Usage Analyzer. It is not uncommon for someone to check his/her hard disk and notice that there’s just 1GB or less left and not know what’s taking so much space.

This software comes as a nice addition for windows’ default disk cleaner. One can use windows’ disk cleaner to get rid of useless system files and then use Overdisk to identify biggest files and folders occupying most of disk space. You might also want to remove duplicate files before trying OverDisk. Overdisk makes a painful task easier, instead of searching every folder to check all your files;  scan your hard disk with Overdisk and immediately check which folders and files are taking all your precious space.

Features of Overdisk are Easily find what is taking all the hard disk space, Navigate using a graphic panel. OverDisk is quite basic in its functioning. For more advanced disk space usage tools, you can try tools like SpaceSniffer, Disk Space Fan, and Disk Usage Analyzer.

Download Overdisk

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