Download Google Chrome Themes from Chrome Theme Gallery

Google has released Google Chrome Themes Gallery.You can select your preferred theme from the gallery and apply it. There are 28 themes available right now in the gallery.

The themes are designed to work with Google Chrome 3.0 Beta, Google Chrome 3.0 Developer Preview or recent Chromium build.

To install the theme, you simply need to click on Apply Theme button. Google Chrome simply downloads a .crx file and loads theme immediately. There is no theme preview available now. You cannot manage themes using any interface. But you can switch back to the default theme by going to Options menu -> Personal Stuff and click Restore to default theme button.


You can view all extensions and themes installed in Google chrom by typing chrome://extensions/ in the address bar. and uninstall them as well.

When I tried installing, many of the themes gave the following error. I use Windows Vista Home edition. Chrome has never been comfortable with Vista, according to my experience. Not sure why this error is happening. Many other Chrome users have also reported the issue at the Google system blog.

The error is “Extension error: Could not install extension from ‘D:\Downloads\Stitches.crx’. Invalid value for theme colors – colors must be integers.” [via GS]

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