Doweet – Create Real Life Activities with Friends using Mobile

Doweet is a fun and simple way to create real life activities with the people around you. It create events that can be as wildly different as a birthday party and a game of soccer on the park, and have all your friends on Facebook invited to them. And this can be done both individually and collectively.

Doweets can be commented by all the people who’ve been invited to them. And note that a web version of the service is also available, and it lets you get pretty much the same job done straight from your desktop. If you can live with not taking out your flashy new iPhone and having all the people who are near looking at it from the corners of their eyes, it’ll do more than fine.

Download Doweet for iPhone

Download Doweet for Android 


  •  Create real life activities for you and your friends.
  • Select privately small group of close friends & family and share your activity with them.
  • [advt] Chat and discuss your “Doweets”.
  •  Get immediate notifications and see who is joining.
  •  Track real time social activities stream from the people you love.
  •  Define “what”, “when” and “where” and Doweet

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