Batch – Webapp that Share Album of Photos Directly from Phone

Batch is web app that shares an album or batch of photos directly from your phone. In seconds, you can share a batch, and relive that night out partying with friends, dinner with family, or the concert where you tweeted your batch for anyone to see. It allows users to easily create groups of photos with friends via a simple in-app interface and share them quickly and easily. It also allows the ‘Batches’ of photos to be shared on Twitter and Facebook, giving all your friends easy access to view the photos.

[advt]You can choose who will see what you’re sharing manually. You’ll get to do that in a way not really removed from how you tweak with your privacy settings on Facebook. You can leave people out of some albums, but let them view others in full detail. So, Batch will let you keep sensitive family members out of anything which might offend them, while sharing these albums that are to be enjoyed by all who know you. It’s all done in a couple of minutes, maybe even less.

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