SingleFile helps you to archive a complete page into a single html file. SingleFile can also be used as an alternative to snapshot/screenshot/capture page extensions.
Download SingleFile for Chrome
- wait until the page is fully loaded
- click on the SingleFile icon in the chrome toolbar
- alternatively you can use SingleFile entry in context menu to save the whole page or only a part of it
- wait until the shadow disappears then hit ctrl-s and save the page.
- all images, style sheets and frame contents are embedded into the .htm saved file
- saved files are compatible with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Konqueror and partially with Internet Explorer 8.
- SingleFile uses data URI scheme to embed image and frame contents into the page : the resulting format is not MHT/MHTML.
- right-click on SingleFile icon and select Options to open the options screen
- with chrome 9, archives can be automatically saved in FileSystem directory into chrome user profile directory.
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