Wadja integrates YouTube and Twitter

has integrated social websites YouTube and Twitter allowing users to organize, archive and discuss social content in real-time.

Wadja is a unique social and mobile networking service that uses labels to create people-to-topic connections. Wadja users create instant topic-oriented conversations using labels. Labels enable the creation of communities that come together through their common interests, hobbies and activities. Wadja’s labeling system sorts and organizes content into easily digestible information.

Users can enable or disable their YouTube or Twitter feeds and filter the incoming information. Only videos and Tweets that are directly related to the user’s label will appear under each specific label, while filters allow the user to make further refinements on the type of information s/he will receive.

Other users can search and follow interesting label topics to view and discuss content that is directly related to their interests.

You can use Wadja to label your thoughts and follow user generated “labels” that focus on specific topics, hobbies or local (real-time) happenings. Conversations can take place over the Web, Email and SMS, and the responses are shared between contacts, or privately with a friend.

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