Topsy – Realtime Search Engine Powered By Social Web

Topsy is a realtime search engine powered by the Social Web. Unlike traditional web search engines, Topsy indexes and ranks search results based upon the most influential conversations millions of people are having every day about each specific term, topic, page or domain queried.

Topsy displays realtime results for related terms and articles, trending topics, identifies experts for any queried term and shows you trackback pages for everything in its index, displaying what everyone is saying about that query.

[advt]Topsy Video search extends topsy’s socially ranked search technology to videos. The new video search works similarly to other Topsy’s search tools, where the search results will appear ranked based on several factors, including Topsy Influence, showing you the most popular and influential videos first.

Socially generated content is the fastest growing source of information on the Web, with social graphs replacing PageRank as the new “signal” for identifying relevant content for consumers, impacting how consumers are exposed to, communicate and consume Web content.

Designed for true web-scale search and powered by the largest searchable index of Twitter data, Topsy’s algorithms dynamically identify influencers within the Social Web for any searchable criteria, using these influence calculations to rank results. This means realtime search results are highly relevant & devoid of noisy stream of conscious content.


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