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Web Apps

TicTacTi – Online Video Advertising System

TicTacTi, offers an In-Video Advertising System that enables users thereof to upload, manage and monetize advertisements and other content to which the users of the video content shall be exposed , which System is then used by entities such as publishers, advertisers and media providers […]

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Web Apps

Set Up Your Own Online Store Using Yokaboo

Yokaboo is the easiest and quickest way to set up your own online store and sell your products. Something that is simple to use, looks good, is functional and can give the freedom. It is simplicity, so it have tried to keep it all nice and neat so everyone can use it. It offers […]

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Web Apps

Retrevo – Gadget Review Aggregator

Retrevo is a real-time independent Web service aggregates, comprehends and summarizes important information on electronics products from experts, users, PDF manuals and other web pages and presents answers in easily digestible and actionable form that average consumers can […]