timerrr.com – Online Stopwatch and Online Countdown timer

timerrr.com is an online countdown timer which is easy to use as a regular kitchen timer. It is equally simple: all that you have to do to set it is to rotate the dial and point the red arrow at the desired number.

It can take just one click – just grab the green dot that will appear to help you out and move it around. You will notice that the counter is updated every time you move the dial to make things even more clear.

There are two ways to start the countdown:

  • Autostart mode – in this case the timer will start working immediately after you set the time. It mimics the behavior of a real kitchen timer.
  • Manual mode – to get the timer started you will have to press the green start button.

The possibilities of using the timer are endless: baking a cake, working out, power naps, the Pomodoro Technique and many more. This timer can be a simple yet powerful productivity tool. There is no need to worry about missing the alarm. Even if you are late you will still know what you are standing on as the timer will start counting up to tell you how late you are.

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