The Movie On Demand service of Tata Photon TV is intended for Tata Photon Plus subscribers who wish to watch movies on the go. The service is similar to IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) and offers a subscription validity of 30 days.
Tata Photon TV movie library offers a collection of movies in Hindi and other regional languages, with movies rated and sorted according to popularity and acceptability.
The movie rental rates are as follows: Rs 75 for popular films, Rs 50 for medium films, and Rs 25 for not-very popular films. Data charges for streaming the movie will be applicable in addition to the movie rental rate.
“For the very first time in India, Movies on mobile broadband device are being made available. For Tata Photon Plus subscribers, it is an added benefit from the best in the world of entertainment, with comfort and convenience, on the move.” Said Mr. S Ramakrishna, Regional COO, South East, Tata Indicom.
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