Sosius – Makes Business Flexible, Sharing and Personal

Sosius workspaces give teams and businesses powerful, flexible, easy-to-use collaboration, sharing and personal networking. Create a flexible, secure workspace for as many users you like.  Share files and collaborate with colleagues, clients or partners wherever they are.

Sosius is perfect for:

  • [advt]online collaboration
  • project management
  • sharing files and images
  • planning and workflow coordination
  • group discussions & secure screen sharing
  • online meetings via voice or IM

If you need to connect people together to share information, manage projects, be part of approval chains, collaborate on documents and more, Sosius gives you the tools to make it happen.

Files, folders, projects, blogs, workflows, databases, projects, tasks and more can all be created or uploaded and then shared amogst other Sosius users and groups. There’s no limit to the number of users per group or the number of connections you can make with your free account.

It offering the suite of powerful information sharing, social networking and organization tools to individuals seeking a way of integrating all the elements of their busy lives without large costs or learning curves.

Sosius combines the best elements of structured information storage, social networking and powerful workflow capabilities, allowing people to work more effectively and efficiently.


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